100% Authentic
- Sold & Fulfilled By : www.dietingbaba.com (Dieting Baba®)
Imported By
- Sports Supplement Nutrition Co. (SSNC) (✓ Brand Authorized) : info@ssncindia.in
- Grace Enterprises (formerly KAR ENTERPRISES) (✓ Brand Authorized) : healthandnutrition2@gmail.com
- INR 3799
Product Benefits
- Helps in Increasing metabolism
- Generally Consumed With Water
Product Details
- Creatine for strength and Nitrate for pumps
- Caffeine: A popular and proven source for energy
- NOTE: Since ingredients are hygroscopic in nature, they'll tend to lump. However, the supplement is completely safe to consume after a grind.
Additional Information
- Goal - Enhances Workout Performance
- Serving Size - 6.5 g
- Number of Servings - 60
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